coaching/trauma therapy
KeiShana is a highly skilled therapist who supports you to move through general life challenges. She specialises in pregnancy/birth related trauma, and mindset support. KeiShana will work alongside you to support your mental wellbeing, resolving trauma, breaking addiction, addressing anxiety + depression and changing unwanted behaviour. KeiShana works with individuals and couples as required.
birth + parenting education
Opti-mum have been providing proven antenatal education for years and remain one of Christchurch’s most professional, comprehensive private providers of quality content that transforms birth experience, regardless of where, when and how you birth. Combining neuroscience, breath and body movement, we work to ensure you have the best birth possible.
Opti-mum offer safe Yoga including General Yoga, Pregnancy and Trauma Informed Programs providing excellent education and functional movement to support wellbeing.
care + community
Opti-mum services operate from our space in Ferrymead, Christchurch, as well as offering online programs. We support various health professionals and practitioners to provide you with a range of services throughout your journey.

Check out this vid showing some of what Opti-mum have to offer!