How does TENS work?
Pads placed specifically on your back, surrounding your spine, transmit electrical signals up your spinal cord and reduce the sensations of labour. You can use the controller to increase or decrease the electrical pulses at any time so you’re in control of the strength of these electrical interrupters. At Opti-mum Birth Skills workshop, we say this ‘floods the straw.’ There’s only so much information your brain can cope with at one time.
What are the disadvantages of using a TENS machine?
At Opti-mum, we encourage the use of heat; hot towels, shower/pool for labour support. You can’t use the TENS in water however, this is where it shines. Lots of people are left without support when they’re waiting for the birth pool to fill or the shower water has run out. When your place of birth/pregnancy complications don’t allow for water use the TENS is your super power. Using the TENS on the way to your birthing unit/hospital is ideal. Those car rides can be gnarly and with TENS, we’ve got you covered.
When should I use the TENS in labour?
We say early is great! The longer you use the TENS in labour, the more endorphins get built up. So once you move from ‘niggle-noggle-biggle-boggle’, those early labour ‘maybe-might be’ surges, into longer, stronger and closer together sensations, get that TENS on mumma.
Can I use TENS prior to labour?
The current research has been unable to test on pregnant women prior to 36 weeks, we say if you’re in labour you can use the TENS machine and if you’re more than 37 weeks, you can choose to use the TENS for back/shoulder/neck pain to support your pregnancy comfort. Other than that, keep that TENS for your birth journey.
What about TENS for postnatal relief?
Yup. TENS is great for afterpains especially if you’re birthing baby number two or ten! You can use TENS on your back for those tender baby feeding shoulders and neck. Some choose to use TENS post c-section to support that tender tum. Make the most use of your TENS throughout your hire.
Are there any side effects from using a TENS machine?
TENS therapy has few reported side effects. Some humans might be allergic to the pad adhesive and find they get a rash or irritation.
What happens if I order my TENS after 36 weeks of pregnancy?
We’ve got you covered. We’ll courier post that package immediately and get the TENS to you as quickly as we can. If you’re in the CHCH area we can arrange a pick up location for you to come and grab that puppy!
Opti-mum TENS machines are brand new, Elle Tens2 and have boost function, burst function, back light and contraction timer. You open yourself to a world of antenatal education, yoga and coaching with a midwife, trauma therapist, team of coaches and health professionals. We have spent two decades being passionate about the continuum of birth and we’re here to support you with this Elle TENS and more.
Blessings on your birth
In kindness
Team Opti-mum
Meditation bundle for CALM birth
Your body and mind matters, so every TENS Hire gets a bundle of FREE Opti-mum breathing/meditation files:
1. Figure 8 Flow - relax with this sweet 10 minute guided counting practice, so you can learn how to support your mind during birth.
2. Pelvic Diaphragm Breathing - learn more about your pelvic floor and how to breath and release this part of your body to support your ability to birth your baby.
3. Estimated Due Window - from control to surrender. This meditation practice allows you to let go and surrender to baby arriving in divine timing. Here we practice IF-formations that support this journey into birth.